Our sustainability and climate protection goals
The course for sustainable and climate-friendly production has already been set together with Bosch Climate Solutions 2019.
By taking appropriate measures, we are optimizing our locations to become CO2-neutral and resource-conserving manufacturing sites.
In this interview on the interim status of our efforts in the PRETTL GoZero project, Lisa Reethen, Managing Director of Bosch Climate Solutions, and Halit Oluk, Global Head of Energy and Sustainability, discuss what the challenges and successes in the project have been so far, and what the next tasks will be.
Our sustainability and climate protection goals
The course for sustainable and climate-friendly production has already been set together with Bosch Climate Solutions 2019.
By taking appropriate measures, we are optimizing our locations to become CO2-neutral and resource-conserving manufacturing sites.
Increase energy efficiencies
- Einführung eines Abschalt- und Anlaufkonzepts für Maschinentechnik
- Beleuchtungsoptimierung (z. B. LED, Präsenzmelder, Segmentierung)
- Leckagemessung für Druckluftinfrastruktur
Use renewable energies
- Konzept zur Nutzung von Dachflächen für Photovoltaikanlagen
Expand the purchase of green electricity
- alle Fertigungsstandorte beziehen Grünstrom
Offset unavoidable CO2 emissions with compensation measures
- grüne Oasen für Mitarbeiter schaffen
- Begrünung unserer Firmengelände
- Beteiligung an externen CO₂-Kompensationsprojekten
- Umstellung des Fuhrparks auf E-Mobilität